Powertrain / antriebsgruppeFahrerassistenz, sicherheit, automatisiertes fahrenFahrwerkInnenraum / interieurKarosserie / body in white
Vorstellung des Unternehmens
#ColdForming #Fasteners #Lightweighting #Mobility #Decarbonization #BiW #Assembly #DieCasting #Welding #Composites"GAMING ENGINEERING" is an industrial start-up specialized in the manufacturing of innovative fastening solutions. New player in the automotive industry (2017), we focus our R&D and our means of production (cold forming) on the development of solutions for multi-material assembly to lighten vehicles. Key innovations to support car manufacturers in the process of decarbonizing mobility; less CO2 in use and production (assembly solutions adapted to recycled characteristics) .

GAMING ENGINEERING has made the international automotive ecosystem its number one priority to ensure its development, however our innovations and our know-how will be intended to be deployed in other sectors of the future, which are also changing, such as the aeronautics or energy.
The strong growth of our start-up lies both in the economic competitiveness of our solutions and in the adequacy of our offer with the environmental challenges of tomorrow; decarbonization and energy efficiency.

Today, the main themes on which GAMING ENGINEERING works are :
1- lightening automotive structures. Thanks to our various innovations which have been the subject of several patent applications, we have developed technologies which make it possible to mix heterogeneous materials (steel – aluminum – composite – magnesium – … including recycled) by obtaining levels of productivity and performance never before achieved by car manufacturers.
2- the development of high-productivity cold forming technologies, allowing the production of parts with complex geometry without net shape recovery.
Our main innovation ERWin®, frees manufacturers from the constraints induced by multi-materials by making it possible to optimize the assembly of BiWs without revolutions in the factories (spot welding process).
Its unique design allows:
- to overcome material ductility constraints
- the use of recycled aluminum (low in CO2) without resorting to heat treatments
- the use of new high performance steels (1500…2000mPa)
- the welding of sensitive composite materials (FG/FC) or even thermoplastic and thermosetting
- to guarantee good welding performance in all tolerances and variations of materials.
ERWin® also has advantages that take into account the entire product life cycle by facilitating :
- Repair in any car dealership,
- Disassembly of materials at the end of the life of the vehicle
Video Presentation of our innovation :
Some figures & key data :
-1 portfolio of innovations structured around 50 product or process patents.
-1 study office,
-1 prototyping and testing laboratory,
-1 production unit activated at the start of 2020 and ISO 9001 certified,
-1 ongoing IATF certification project,
-1 construction project for a new factory,
-projects & relations with manufacturers and major clients in the automotive sector in Europe and abroad.
-1 portfolio of innovations structured around 50 product or process patents.
-1 study office,
-1 prototyping and testing laboratory,
-1 production unit activated at the start of 2020 and ISO 9001 certified,
-1 ongoing IATF certification project,
-1 construction project for a new factory,
-projects & relations with manufacturers and major clients in the automotive sector in Europe and abroad.
Der PAE Mapping Referent

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